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CWBSA has collaborated with partners from around Sub-Saharan Africa and beyond including non-governmental organisations, UN agencies, donors, community-based organisations, government, and corporates.

We would like to thank all those who have shown their ongoing support to the CWBSA brand and programmes, particularly the long-term collaborations of trust. We thank in particular the following partners for their outstanding commitment to the vision of the organisation. 

Clowns Without Borders International

Our home base and foundation is Clowns Without Borders International with all our sister organisations from Clowns Without Borders based around the world, working with play, theatre, clowning and laughter to provide psycho-social support, improve child and adolescent wellbeing and to think outside of the box.

South African Parenting Programme Implementors Network (SAPPIN)

SAPPIN, the South African Parenting Programme Implementers Network, is a network of NGOs that use evidence-based research to develop parenting programmes across South Africa.

Member organisations develop and run various programmes that guide and support parents and caregivers, to foster safe, warm, secure, non-violent home environments that allow children to reach their full potential.

CWSBA is part of the Driver Group, implementing and delivering the key priorities of the network.

The Global Parenting Initiative (GPI)

The Global Parenting Initiative (GPI) is a five-year collaboration of universities, foundations, and implementing partners, with the aim of providing access to free, evidence-based, playful parenting support to every parent, everywhere, so that they are equipped with the knowledge and tools to help their children realise their learning potential and to prevent child sexual abuse, exploitation, and family violence.

CWBSA supports and coordinates various projects within the GPI network.

Parenting for Lifelong Health

CWBSA is a developer, implementor and involved in systems strengthening of the PLH programme around Sub-Saharan African and beyond. CWBSA provides expertise support to the PLH social enterprise.

Violence Prevention Forum

The Violence Prevention Forum is a collaboration between government, civil society, researchers, international organisations, development partners and the private sector. We are committed to building a society free of violence.

The Forum was started in 2015 to share knowledge and experience about researching and implementing interventions and programmes to prevent violence. To achieve this the Forum provided a platform to build strong relationships between policy makers, researchers and practitioners (implementers of programmes). By developing and sharing the body of evidence about how to prevent violence and its damaging impact, we are working to enable the expansion of successful evidence-based programmes and interventions in South Africa.

UNICEF South Africa

UNICEF is committed to realising the rights of all children to help them build a strong foundation and have the best chance of fulfilling their potential.

They believe that ensuring a child is happy and healthy begins before birth: from ensuring their mother has access to good health care to reaching adulthood as a healthy, empowered and informed young person of the next generation. This journey relies on every child having access to quality health care, good nutrition, education, and growing up in a safe environment free from violence.

World Childhood Foundation

World Childhood Foundation prevents child sexual abuse. They do this in partnership with passionate pioneers, grassroots organizations, companies, foundations and other actors who share their vision of a world where no child is sexually abused. 

“My eyes have been opened and I now understand the importance of talking about emotions. Even though I was here to be trained as a facilitator I, myself have benefited tremendously and will be using all that I have learned for and with my family as I now understand better how to create a strong relationship with my children.”
— CRS parenting facilitator, Kisumu, Kenya