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Research papers and policy briefs

The papers below are from our partners, and/or where CWBSA directly supported research implementation.

Policy Brief: How violence and adversity undermine human development

Sara N Naicker

This policy brief uses the adverse childhood experiences framework, coupled with data from the Birth to Thirty cohort study, to show the impact of violence and adversity on the lives of South Africans. It connects violence and adversity in childhood to health and social problems almost three decades later. Understanding, foregrounding and addressing the effects of violence and adversity are essential for national development.


Policy Brief: An evidence review of violence prevention in South Africa 

Matodzi M Amisi and Sara N Naicker

 This policy brief presents findings from an evidence review of interventions to prevent violence against women and against children, implemented in South Africa and documented between 1999 and 2021. It identifies and distils principles, approaches and activities that could effectively reduce violence experienced by women and children in South Africa. 


Reflective Supervision: The Symbolic Hands That Hold

Nicola Dawson and Esther Chunga

Nonprofit organizations, providing psychotherapy services in community-based settings, are often faced with the tensions inherent in both ensuring quality services while limiting program costs. The same is true in private and public health care settings, where services regularly navigate cost reductions and budget cuts. At the Ububele Educational and Psychotherapy Trust, an nonprofit organization in South Africa, reflective supervision is seen as a critical component for effective, ethically sound, and culturally sensitive intervention despite competition for financial resources. This article will provide an overview of the organizations reflective supervision model, motivating for the need to prioritize reflective supervision for frontline staff. It also provides a case example, to demonstrate the value of reflective supervision for promoting practitioner reflexivity and preventing practitioner burnout in a highly traumatized environment.


Randomised Control Test 2013-2014 Parenting for Lifelong Health, South Africa

Evaluating the dissemination and scale-up of two evidence-based parenting interventions to reduce violence against children: study protocol

Eliminating violence against children is a prominent policy goal, codified in the Sustainable Development Goals, and parenting programs are one approach to preventing and reducing violence. However, we know relatively little about dissemination and scale-up of parenting programs, particularly in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). The scale-up of two parenting programs, Parenting for Lifelong Health (PLH) for Young Children and PLH for Parents and Teens, developed under Creative Commons licensing and tested in randomized trials, provides a unique opportunity to study their dissemination in 25 LMICs.

“Things have changed when it comes to self-protection. I really didn’t like to protect myself… When I read the message of the child … offered a car transport from a stranger … I used to do the same thing. I also used to like to roam around at night, but now I have reduced.”
Teen, 17 years